Columbia Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Bobby Watson
presented by the We Always Swing JAZZ SERIES
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 at 7 pm

International Jazz Day Celebration - A Bobby Watson Retrospective

Bobby Watson: Alto Saxophone & Musical Director
Greg Aker: Alto Saxophone
Ed Scavone: Alto Saxophone
Jaime Canepa: Tenor Saxophone
Trevor Phillippe: Tenor Saxophone
Nate Ferguson: Baritone Saxophone
Chris Farris: Lead Trumpet
Gary Pearce: Trumpet
Bill Strozier: Trumpet
Piper Stow: Trumpet
Matt Schmitz: Lead Trombone
Joanna Griffith: Trombone
Rob Boullion: Trombone
Jared Smith: Bass Trombone
Alex Frank: Guitar
Pete Szkolka: Piano
Nancy Dietz: Bass
Connor Kespohl: Drums