Choral Union
MU Choral Union and Concert Chorale: Vision Unfolding and Misa Criolla
Presented by the University Concert Series
Thursday, April 10, 2025

7 PM 


On Thursday, April 10, 2025, at 7:00 PM in Jesse Hall, the MU Choral Union and Concert Chorale will present a concert featuring Vision Unfolding by Kyle Pederson and Misa Criolla by Ariel Ramírez. Co-conducted by Dr. Brandon A. Boyd and Dr. Kari Adams, this performance will showcase the choirs’ versatility and depth.

Vision Unfolding written by Pederson is known for its in-triguing harmonies and uplifting message. Pederson hopes that the piece encourages listeners to build bridges of care and connection, stand in solidarity with marginalized voices, and respect those with differing views.
The second piece, Misa Criolla, is a celebrated Mass by Ramírez that blends Latin American folk music with clas-sical elements. It features lively vocal writing and dynamic call-and-response passages, particularly in the Gloria. The orchestration includes keyboard, guitar, bass, and a trio of percussionists, adding to its vibrant, cultural texture.

This concert offers an evening of diverse and compelling choral music, uniting different musical traditions in one pow-erful program. It’s a night you don’t want to miss. 


Please note that this date changed from original publications.  April 10 is the correct date.